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Before you can receive your free ebooks, test taking strategies, and tips, you need to confirm your email right now.

There’s a 95% chance you won’t do it unless you check in the next 5 minutes, so hurry!


(Don’t worry, it’s easy)

Here’s how:

1. Check your inbox with an email from me with the subject line: “Confirm your subscription”.

(This message will be heading to your inbox right away. It is probably there right now).

confirm your email

2. Click on the crazy long Aweber confirmation link in the email:


Your email will not be confirmed until you click that confirm!

And when you click, you’ll get instant access to amazing free test taking strategies, exclusive ebooks and more!

Easy, right?

If for some weird reason you don’t get your email after a few minutes check your spam folder.

Thanks again for joining us, and as always, you can rest assured that your email is safe with us: it will never be sold or spammed.

Happy Studying! 🙂

CrunchPrep Team