Study Like A SuperHero

Study Like a Superhero!

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Today, there will be no strategies, tips, or lessons in this post. Just one very important announcement…

We started writing this blog twelve weeks ago as an experiment.

Would people care if we started teaching them GRE through a blog?

Thankfully, it turned out that many of you care. And I’m grateful that since we published our first post, more than 100,000 students have come to our blog and learned from us.

And more importantly, I’m grateful for the community we’ve all built here. Today, we reached 7000 newsletter signups and 12000 fans on Facebook.

So many of you come back daily and spark insightful discussions in the comments, and we all learn so much from them. In many ways, those discussions hold more meaning to me as a tutor than writing the blog itself.

One of the toughest decisions students face while studying for the GRE, is figuring out how to kick-start their preparation. While some prefer good old private tutoring or in-person coaching classes, others think that an online prep course is the order of the day. Some even believe that self-study is the only way out.

What about you? Are you still trying to decide which route you should take? Are you confused between in person classroom coaching or study from home online prep? Here are some of the benefits of online GRE prep to help give you a more detailed picture, so you can choose wisely.