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These are among the top 100 in the US. To get an admission call from these universities, you’ll need an average GRE score along with decent grades/GPA. Your overall profile has to be good, and there is an ever so slight chance of getting a scholarship or assistantship if your overall profile is significantly better than the average class profile of the university.

Today, there will be no strategies, tips, or lessons in this post. Just one very important announcement… We started writing this blog twelve weeks ago as an experiment. Would people care if we started teaching them GRE through a blog? Thankfully, it turned out that many of you care. And I’m grateful that since we published our first post, more than 100,000 students have come to our blog and learned from us. And more importantly, I’m grateful for the community…

Haven’t booked your GRE appointment yet? Well, getting a GRE appointment certainly isn’t rocket science, but if you are a first time test taker, it might seem like a tediously long process. Nothing to worry about, though. You can avoid all the hassle if you know what you are doing. Booking a GRE slot is simple and easy, and there are quite a few things you need to keep in mind before you do register, so you can get the…

Do you have GRE Test Anxiety? Do you freak out the night before your final exams? Do you panic before you read a question? Do you make silly mistakes or read incorrectly because you are anxious? Or does your mind go completely blank right in the middle of your test? Well, don’t worry. You are not alone. GRE Test Anxiety is very real, and very common. It is quite common for students to get really anxious before, or during a…

Every year, hundreds of thousands of students ponder over one of the most intriguing questions of the recent past – What is a good GRE score? Well, 330 is a good score, isn’t it? But do you really need 330? Not at all. A vital fact that many students forget is, graduate admissions do not solely depend on your GRE score. Admissions officers look at your overall profile, including your undergrad scores, work experience, research work, and extracurricular activities among…

There is one question on the minds of everyone who’s planning to take the GRE: When to take it? While there is so much information out there about how to study for the GRE or how to take the GRE, there is not much information about when is it ideal for you to take the GRE. Don’t take this lightly; when you take the GRE is probably as important as how to take it. A significant number of students take…

In an ideal world, when you are taking your GRE test, you expect things to be simple and straightforward. You are presented with one section of analytical writing, two sections of quant and two sections of verbal alternatively, and you receive appropriate score based on how well you perform on these sections. Seems fair enough, doesn’t it? But, unfortunately, we don’t live in an ideal world. So, things tend to be a bit more complicated than they appear. In addition…

The Analytical Writing section has been the most ignored section on the GRE for a long time now. Do you know why? No, it is not because it is not very important, nor is it because it is just too easy to score high on the AWA. It is because, there is nobody to tell you how important the AWA is, and more importantly, how easy it is to crack it, if you know exactly what to do. Yes, there…

Reading Comprehension has been the one unconquered section on the GRE for a long time now. Do you know why? No, it is not because it is unconquerable, nor is it too difficult for the average test taker. It is because, there is nobody to tell you how to crack it. Nowhere on the internet will you find an ultimate guide, a one stop shop for all your queries regarding the most dreaded section on the GRE. Yes, there are…

Every so often when I’m writing the GRE essays, I’ll think: Should I really be writing so much? I tend to get carried away. And when that happens, it would be great to know if all this extra writing is actually helping me score better or hurting my AWA score. Of course, I want to impress the essay graders, but I want to do it the right way. Students often ask me, how long their GRE essays should be because…